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Старый 25.05.2009, 17:55   #201
Talkers Junior
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Dooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond repute
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Может стоит поставить патч до 1,002?
Dooffy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Смотри сериалы
Старый 25.05.2009, 17:56   #202
Talkers Junior
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Monstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond repute
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а смысл?
Monstek вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 18:01   #203
Talkers Junior
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Dooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond repute
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Сообщение от Monstek Посмотреть сообщение
а смысл?
Вроде как исправили кое-что
Скрытый текст


* Fixed a number of known exploits on each map.
* Fixed Listen Server Hosts not showing as playing on a server in Steam Friends.
* Fixed the game prompting for a password after the password was already entered into Steam, when connecting from the Steam Server Browser.
* Fixed exploit where players could shoot other players with shotguns and launch them on top of things or out windows.
* Fixed exploit where players could change their Perk multiple times in order to get discounts on particular items. Players can only change their Perk once per Wave now.
* Fixed shotguns making Specimens fly back excessively online.
* Fixed Server Browser becoming non-responsive when connected to a server.
* Fixed exploit that players could use to purchase something even when too heavy.
* Fixed Listen Server Host’s Perks getting duplicated to other players connected to their server.
* Fixed purchasing of a Handcannon appearing to discount other weapons.
* Fixed a collision problem with crouching that was allowing exploits.


* Improved the detection of Headshots on the Specimens.
* Removed the scaling of players’ names over their heads, which was causing long names to be unreadable.
* Changed Default Tick Rate for Internet Servers to 30 instead of 20 to improve the online experience for players.
* Hitting Escape now closes the Weapon Selection widget on the HUD.
* Toned down the Blur and Camera Shake when a Specimen hits you. Blur now fades out more quickly.
Dooffy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 18:09   #204
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Аватар для $ketcher
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$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of
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да нахер нам и так норм
$ketcher вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 18:12   #205
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Dooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond reputeDooffy has a reputation beyond repute
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Сообщение от $ketcher Посмотреть сообщение
да нахер нам и так норм
хм. Почитал немного говорят, что переки слетают с этим патчем, так что нахер))

Добавлено через 50 секунд
p.s. поправь кол-во игроков) уже два часа поиграть немогу))

Последний раз редактировалось Dooffy; 25.05.2009 в 18:12. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
Dooffy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 18:12   #206
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Monstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond repute
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Это... Увеличте кол-во народа на сервере XD
А то зайти не могу
Monstek вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 18:14   #207
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ZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond reputeZloySam has a reputation beyond repute
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с утреца токо поиграл блин , щас зайти немагу...
ZloySam вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 18:51   #208
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$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of
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увеличил до 9 человек, сейчас там только новые карты.

Добавлено через 8 минут
зашли? сейчас попробовал увеличить сервер до 14 человек посмотрим что выйдет из этого

Последний раз редактировалось $ketcher; 25.05.2009 в 18:51. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
$ketcher вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 18:53   #209
Talkers Junior
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Monstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond repute
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Ммм... Я лично новые карты еще качаю..
Monstek вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 18:59   #210
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Аватар для Akuji
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Akuji is a jewel in the roughAkuji is a jewel in the rough
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Сообщение от $ketcher Посмотреть сообщение
увеличил до 9 человек, сейчас там только новые карты.

Добавлено через 8 минут
зашли? сейчас попробовал увеличить сервер до 14 человек посмотрим что выйдет из этого
карты те которые сдесь выложил Treychik?

Внимание спойлер
В Библии главный герой умрет

Последний раз редактировалось Akuji; 25.05.2009 в 19:55. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
Akuji вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 19:05   #211
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Avatar_Grey has a brilliant futureAvatar_Grey has a brilliant futureAvatar_Grey has a brilliant futureAvatar_Grey has a brilliant future
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чёто зайти не могу.... начинает качать карту и обрывается

Если с нами Бог, то кто против нас? © Апостол Павел

Avatar_Grey вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 19:18   #212
RG "Talkers PS Games"
Аватар для Treychik
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Treychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond repute
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НАРОД! - дайте ссыль на апдейт - я закину.....


Treychik вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 19:24   #213
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Аватар для $ketcher
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$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of
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да не надо
$ketcher вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 19:37   #214
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Аватар для UTrom
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UTrom is a jewel in the roughUTrom is a jewel in the rough
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Сообщение от Chronicle Посмотреть сообщение
F4 канает только в соло игре.
Нет в кооп тоже можно))
UTrom вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:01   #215
RG "Talkers PS Games"
Аватар для Treychik
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Treychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond repute
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Как? - у меня не получается...


Treychik вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:09   #216
RG "Talkers XBOX 360"
Аватар для awesome
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awesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond reputeawesome has a reputation beyond repute

Talkers квесты
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Блин подконнектится не могу...

| PS3 Slim | PS 4 Pro | Xbox Series X | Switch | SNES mini |

awesome вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:13   #217
Talkers Junior
Аватар для UTrom
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UTrom is a jewel in the roughUTrom is a jewel in the rough
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Сообщение от Treychik Посмотреть сообщение
Как? - у меня не получается...
кОГДА УМИРАЕШЬ, ТЫКАЕШЬ f4 у меня норм коннает))))
UTrom вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:22   #218
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Аватар для $ketcher
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$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of
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по техническим причинам закрыл сервер на 15-20 минут
$ketcher вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:25   #219
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Аватар для BLUDIK
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BLUDIK has a reputation beyond reputeBLUDIK has a reputation beyond reputeBLUDIK has a reputation beyond reputeBLUDIK has a reputation beyond reputeBLUDIK has a reputation beyond reputeBLUDIK has a reputation beyond repute
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KF-Celotex-Administration.rar ссылку на ету карту поправь а то принимает как страница хтмл
BLUDIK вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:34   #220
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Аватар для xCORT
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xCORT has a reputation beyond reputexCORT has a reputation beyond reputexCORT has a reputation beyond reputexCORT has a reputation beyond reputexCORT has a reputation beyond repute
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в папке textures есть файл ROfonts_Rus.utx
если заменить им оригинальный (ROfonts.utx), то в чате можно будет по-русски писать
xCORT вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:48   #221
Talkers Junior
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Monstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond reputeMonstek has a reputation beyond repute
Отправить сообщение для Monstek с помощью ICQ Отправить сообщение для Monstek с помощью Skype™
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ы... а я уже почти нашел
Monstek вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:50   #222
RG "Talkers PS Games"
Аватар для Treychik
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Treychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond repute
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а я уже заменил - ща проверим


Treychik вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:52   #223
Talkers Junior
Аватар для $ketcher
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$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of$ketcher has much to be proud of
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прикольно спасибо

Добавлено через 26 секунд
кста, сервер уже поднял, можете заходить

Последний раз редактировалось $ketcher; 25.05.2009 в 20:52. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
$ketcher вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:52   #224
Talkers Junior
Аватар для Varenik
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Varenik has a reputation beyond reputeVarenik has a reputation beyond reputeVarenik has a reputation beyond reputeVarenik has a reputation beyond reputeVarenik has a reputation beyond reputeVarenik has a reputation beyond reputeVarenik has a reputation beyond reputeVarenik has a reputation beyond reputeVarenik has a reputation beyond repute
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На серве заменить надо, а то игра начинает скачивать оригинальный с серва.
Varenik вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.05.2009, 20:56   #225
RG "Talkers PS Games"
Аватар для Treychik
Регистрация: 16.04.2009
Сообщений: 11,198
Сказал(а) спасибо: 2,053
Поблагодарили 2,263 раз(а) в 193 сообщениях
Treychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond reputeTreychik has a reputation beyond repute
короткая ссылка поделиться в twitter поделиться в facebook поделиться в вконтакте поделиться в одноклассниках поделиться в google plus
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Сорри - вроде это чё-т у меня не так...


Последний раз редактировалось Treychik; 25.05.2009 в 20:58.
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